High-Precision Gravity

Pre-Release Site

Items here may be incomplete, wrong, or obsolete. These are links for sharing data and results as they come in, and are not maintained or corrected. Be very careful using these links. Revised and corrected data and results may be obtained by contacting authors.

UTTR project

1 acre-foot = 1233.481838 m3

utah-g3d - a simple 3d modeling code based on rectangular blocks; fast, simple, and theoretically very parallelizable. Released under the GPL.
download.c - single source file download program for the CG-3M. Requires an ANSI compiler, and probably only works on unix; it uses termio/ioctl calls to control the serial port settings. Developed on Linux. Released under the GPL.
mdownload.c - single source file download program for a Geometrics 856 magnetometer, and likely other stuff. Requires an ANSI compiler, and probably only works on unix; it uses termio/ioctl calls to control the serial port settings. Assumes EOT ends download file, and can handle 7/8 bits, no parity, and baud rates from 300-38400. Developed on Linux. Released under the GPL.
Lg linearity measure - Measure of linearity of drift function. Probably has some previous mathematical name; if you know it, let me know.

Weber River Basin - just north of Salt Lake City

Weber River Infiltration Monitoring


Dutch Flats, NE project

Salt Lake Valley

Well level plots as PNG images.

Long-term drift at EGI gravity lab, as PNG images. Note the amplitude of the residual signal!

Base Station Gravity Plot - JPEG, ~800x600 pixels; note the trends maintained with all our data.

EGI is located at:

40.759 N
111.827 W == -111.827 E


Paper given at the 2002 Stanford Geothermal Workshop. This version is taken from their Proceedings CD.

Geysers Map - in Adobe Illustrator 8.0 format; ~142MB in size

Geysers Map - in ArcView 3.0a project format; gzipped tar archive of project file and GeoTIFF images. 762MB

Notes for field campaigns at The Geysers

Maps, old photos, etc. for field work at The Geysers

Dixie Valley

Dixie Valley Road Map - Postscript, from the kinematic survey of June '99; has the major roads, and some that really shouldn't be driven by the faint of heart. Also note that a few roads were missed in the survey.

Software Documentation

TOUGH2 manual, PDF.

General Notes

All of the software available here is written in Python, except where noted.

This allows for easy cross-platform development and distribution. For those who don't have or want Python installed, a "frozen" or standalone version is also available. The frozen version is typically out of date, and basically untested until the code is actually done. In either case, the Tk libraries for the target platform are required.

There is no warranty, express or implied, with this software. It is not guaranteed to do or not do anything. It may work perfectly; it may cause your computer halt and catch fire.
